A replacement bus finally arrived at 9.40am, 40 minutes after our planned departure. Morning class on the bus with the plan being to travel to Boucherville curling club for lunch , play our game at 1.30pm and then head to the Royal Montreal curling to change into our number ones for dinner with the Central Tour. The Sherrif imposed a $10 on everyone before awarding the Andrew Ferguson for walking through videoing of our sketch and then giving Doddie to Bruichladdich. We arrived at Boucherville with snow still falling and were welcomed by piper Graham and a broom arch and formally welcomed by m/c Andre Gained who then introduced Ralph Lapsec the councillor for sport, President Mario Schiller and organiser Patrick Yvan. Drinks were followed by an excellent lunch before going off to change. The chat at lunch suggested that we were up against experienced curlers in their regular teams and the opponents of Dalmore had drafted in a very successful junior. Although the iceman’s main duties are in the adjacent hockey arena the ice was very good and all our teams played well. Dalmore and Jura lost very close games by one shot, but Tamnavulin, Bruichladdich and Fettercairn all recorded good wins and in the case of Fettercairn by 14 shots.The overall result was plus 23 shots, which means our deficit is now 12. After more speeches by Patrick and4. Mario, John Sinclair, gave a very comprehensive vote of thanks. We then performed our sketch, lucky shots, I have a dream and our tour song before bidding our farewells. The Boucherville curlers sang Auld Lang Syne in French. On the way to the Royal Montreal curling club we heard that our original bus was fixed and we will have it and Bob back tomorrow. We quickly changed into our number ones and went up to the dining room for pre dinner drinks with our hosts and the Central tourists before sitting down in our teams and hosts for an excellent banquet. We were welcomed by m/c and organiser Andy Shintilla and were then formally welcomed by President Giovina Rogers with grace by Dick Macklem. After dinner and a toast to the King John Shea introduced the tour skips and we then heard at some length from Guthrie Stewart, President of the St. Andrew’s Society of Montreal (one of the sponsors). Central and East tourists sang 2 verses of Flower of Scotland and all 3 verses of our tour song. We then all sang Auld Lang Syne. We. bidded our farewells and went on the bus to check into our hotel and socialise with Mike and the Central tourists.,