After breakfast it was morning class on the bus where Dougie outlined the plan for the day consisting of a two and a half hour journey to Sherbrooke Curling Club where all five rinks will have lunch, after which Dalmore, Jura and Bruichladdich will play the hosts and then join the other two rinks for a banquet at the two shelter Lennoxville Curling Club. The Sherrif then issued various fines , including John Sinclair, Doug Wilson and Angus Storie and awarded the Tammy to John Dowell for being grumpy with his team. Doddie was handed over to Tamnavulin. After an uneventful journey we were welcomed by Sherbrooke president Alain D’Amboise. We were then seated in out teams for lunch with a top table which included Sherbrooke president Alain, Ralph Rourke the President of Lennoxville Curling Club, Jim Mastigne the organiser for Eastern Townships, Maye Genevieve Nebert the deputy of St. Francais National Assembley of Quebec and Doug Reid. After speeches of welcome we tucked in to an excellent lunch of soup and sandwiches following which teams Tamnavulin and Fettercairn departed for their game at Lennoxville. Good ice at Sherbrookeresulted in a win, a loss and a draw with an overall score of plus one shot.
Meanwhile at Lennoxville we were piped on to the ice by Sylvain Ross (no relation!) with the flags carried by two children of members and then Flower of Scotland and O Canada were sung. The games proceeded on good fast ice with Fettercairn winning by two shots and Tamnavulin peeling theirs. George Bee played his first ever game using a stick (baguette) delivery with mixed results. Drinks followed and we were soon joined by the Sherbrooke curlers for an excellent banquet. There were several speeches including Reverend Nigel Parker, originally from Aberdeen and President Ralph Rourke, which included congratulations to Gavin Morton on becoming a grandfather today..We then returned to the bar and performed our sketch, lucky shots, I have a dream and tour song, all of which were enthusiastically received by our hosts. The evening ended on a bit of a downer as it transpired that the transmission on our bus had failed. Our hosts came to the rescue and we and our luggage were ferried by several cars to our hotel.